Dry Tacky Paint

Experiencing uncured and tacky paint is awful- - we always want our paint jobs to cure and dry quickly, right? Tragically, for some this doesn’t always happen on the spot. If you are currently attempting to dry tacky paint, here is all you need to know on how to dry tacky paint in a few easy and quick steps. Learn how to dry tacky paint today.

To dry tacky paint you will need a few basic but extremely helpful materials. Here is what you will need based on this guide.

  • 1. Heater
  • 2. Fan
  • 3. Dehumidifier
  • 4. Talc

The first step to dry tacky paint is to increase air circulation. Air circulating in the room allows for paint to cure a lot faster. Allow for the fan to circulate air for a quicker dry. This is quite easy- - just find the nearest plug to the surface and aim the fan towards the wall.

Secondly, other than just making air circulate within the room you are going to want for temperature to rise. Put a heater in the room or directly flash a light onto the surface you want to dry. Both of these alternatives are an effective method for the results that we are after. Choose whichever is easier for you.

If you have already attempted both of the above mentioned solutions and they still don’t get you the results that you want, there is something else that you can actually do. Use a dehumidifier to climate all humidity in the room so that the paint will cure. If the paint is on your exterior, be patient and wait for humid days to pass by and see the state of your pint.

You can always add some talc to the surface of your walls as well. And although this particular method won’t dry the paint it will remove all stickiness off of the walls.