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You Can’t Paint Without Preparation

When planning a paint project, majority of us focus on what paint color we need to use. Honestly though, there is more to a Roofing project than just choosing and selecting the perfect shade for the walls, especially if you want optimum results. For beautiful pint results, one must also me mindful of the room preparations that go into the process. One of the most common mistakes made when interior Roofing is failing to prepare the room that is to be painted. So, if you are planning some interior Roofing projects soon, here is all you need to know about prepping the room.

First, let’s cover the basics; what materials do you need? You will need cloths, rags, a bucket of water, sanding sponges, regular sponge, and cloth.

You can start prepping the room that is going to be painted by placing cloth over the floors and furniture. As well, place duct tape over baseboards to protect them from paint drips or debris. If you feel better about removing furniture from the room, feel free to do so as this will provide an open and comfortable Roofing space.

Once you have gotten that out of the way, let’s get into serious business. Start washing your walls so that you can remove all dirt and grime that has accumulated over the past months or years. Use a water and soap solution as this will do the trick, and simply dip the sponge into the mix. Remember to rub gently. Once you have thoroughly washed the walls, proceed to drying them off with rags.

Once that has been completed, the next step is to sand the walls. Through sanding your walls you will create as both and even surface to paint on. One must also remember to prime as this offers proper adhesion for the paint to come.

Finally, if this is a lot of work for you to do on your own, get it done professionally. Call Calix Roofing and Remodeling today.